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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How To Make It Big in the NBA If You're Small?

I am joining Problogger's Blogging Project featuring "How to" posts. How to be a successful basketball player if you are a small guy? It is so easy you will find yourself playing in the NBA even if you are just 5 feet tall! Seriously...

1. Have Eyes on the Back of Your Head - Literally

2. Use Your Head - Again Literally

3. Develop Some Basic (Very Very Very Basic) Shooting, Passing and Dribbling Skills

4. Jump a Little Higher. Just a Little.

5. Only Take On Somebody Your Own Size


Mama Duck said...

Ha ha ha, from another short person ;). Our list is up as well if you'd like to check it out!!

Henry Marcos said...

Thanks mama duck and jersey girl, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Mama Duck, I have been to your site and read your great list. :)